Royal Purple® Max-Clean Fuel System Cleaner & Stabilizer
Size: 20 ounce (591 ml) bottle Availability: in stock
Price: 27.50 EURO 22.00 EURO*, VAT included
* discounted price
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Highly versatile, Max-Clean is EPA / CARB compliant and safe for use in gasoline and diesel engines including all ethanol blends or biofuel. Max-Clean is great for use in both 4-cycle and 2-cycle engines, and will not harm specialized emissions equipment.
Fuel system cleaner is worth it. We performed multiple product fleet tests on various makes and models of vehicles and, after as little as one treatment with Max-Clean, we found significant advantages in engine performance and fuel economy.
Max-Clean Performance Advantages
• Improve fuel economy an average of 3.2 percent
• Restore horsepower an average of 2.6 percent
• Reduce hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions (on average 12, 13 and 18 percent respectively)
• Prevent rough idle, hesitation, and stalling
• Prevent premature spark plug fouling
• Reduce deposit-related engine knocking and pinging
• Stabilizes fuel during off-season and storage
• Superior corrosion and oxidation inhibitor
Recommended Treat Rate & Usage
10,000 Mile Interval – 20 oz. can
Pour entire contents of 6 oz. can into tank prior to fueling. Each can treats up to 20 gallons. Max-Clean fuel system cleaner is ideal for both 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines.